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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Mixology Monday: Rum Punch Party

Thanks to Hobson's Choice for hosting the March round of Mixology Monday.

Since we recently returned from a long weekend in New Orleans, I took inspiration for my punch from the hurricane cocktail – rum, orange, lime and passion fruit. That said, the punch could not be as high-octane as the cocktail itself. I also wanted a little fizz. Soda was certainly a viable option to these ends, but I was more interested in using champagne to add some complexity to the classic hurricane flavors.

In keeping with the notion that punch is best served to a crowd on a leisurely evening, I invited a few friends from the neighborhood over to sample my recipe and give me their reactions and suggestions. I also asked them to name the punch. I got a number of helpful tasting notes -- but more importantly, we had a great time hanging out.

The punch was well-received. I had been careful to make half again as much punch as I should have needed. Instead, we ran out after an hour or two and needed another batch. I looked over the fruit I had remaining. I didn’t have what I needed to make exactly the same punch again, so I improvised on a citurs and tea-based recipe I had seen in Esquire over the holidays. We also flamed the bowl for a little pyrotechnic entertainment. That punch was a spicier contrast to its tart predecessor – and it lasted just about as long. The impromptu punch party extended into the small hours.
Recipes for both punches follow. Thanks to my neighbors for joining in the fun. Cheers!

Heart and Tart Punch

2 parts dark rum (I used Gosling’s)
1 ½ parts passion fruit rum (I used Malibu)
½ part light rum
1 part freshly squeezed lime juice
1 part freshly squeezed orange juice
1 ½ parts turbinado syrup (recipe follows)
2 ½ parts champagne

Stir together first six ingredients in punchbowl. Add ice – an ice mold is the natural choice. Top with champagne and stir gently.

Second Chance Punch

Overproof rum (I used Bacardi 151)
1 ½ parts turbinado syrup (recipe follows)
5 teabags
2 parts gold rum (I used Cruzan)
1 part light rum
1 part freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 part freshly squeezed orange juice
2 ½ parts champagne

Bring syrup to a boil. Remove from heat and steep teabags for five minutes. Remove teabags. Pour the overproof rum into punchbowl and swirl to coat the sides. Carefully ignite with a match. Pour in juices, then add remaining rum. Shake tea mixture with ice and strain into punchbowl. Add ice or an ice mold. Top with champagne and stir gently.

Turbinado Syrup

2 cups water
1 cup sugar

Bring water to a boil. Remove from heat and stir in sugar until dissolved.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Both were delicious - and you liked my name choice!