Then, at a dinner with some work colleagues, I had my first taste of Midleton Irish whiskey, and my perspective completely changed. My glass certainly had the base flavors of Irish whiskey, but with a unique floral layer that was not cloying at all. The hook was set. (Auditors, please note, that no whiskey showed up on my expense report.)
I made the crucial mistake of bypassing the duty free shop in the airport. Now I am relegated to finding a bottle here in the States for less than ... well, for less than I would admit to paying for a bottle of whiskey. I may have to enlist the aid of my colleagues in Ireland -- or just pay up to get another taste of Ireland.
Image from stock.xchng (http://www.sxc.hu/)
Red Breast is also quite good and significantly cheaper than Old Middleton.
I will pick up a bottle next trip to the store -- thanks for the recommendation.
Hi Shawn, check out my cocktail post...I have a recipe for you. Yum!
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